Below is a list of all competition wardrobe requirements for Ms/Mrs. Universe and Ms/Mrs. USA Universe for all phases of the competition where each delegate receives a competition score or evaluation.
MANDATORY - EVENING GOWN COMPETITION FILMING - Evening gown of contestants’ choice. Any Color
MANDATORY - SWIMSUIT/FITNESS COMPETITION FILMING - Any SOLID Black swimwear (cover-ups, wraps, hose, and body make-up are allowed and encouraged) Cover-ups must also be solid black. Embellishments such as rhinestones, sequins buckles, rings, and metals ARE allowed and can be silver, gold, or bronze. ANY swimsuits or added wraps that are not black will NOT be permitted.
MANDATORY - INTERVIEW COMPETITION FILMING (VIDEO SUBMISSION) Interview suit or business dress of contestants’ choice- ANY COLOR - this is what you will wear for your interview video submission, you will NOT need to bring this with you to Miami. All videos must have NO EDITS and be under 1 minute in length. Every delegate will answer the question… “Tell us a little bit about yourself”. Video Submission Due Date - March 15th.
MANDATORY - PHOTO SHOOT MODELING COMPETITION FILMING - Any SOLID RED trendy upscale outfit. This can be a cocktail dress, jumpsuit, or fun fashion wear. This will be worn during the official photogenic photo shoot. Materials that flow and move look great on camera. There will be a fan blowing during the shoot for optimal effects. All types of embellishments are allowed but the base material must be ANY shade of RED. NO PRINTS… solid colors of RED only.
MANDATORY - Nude, skin-colored, or clear heels (these are for swimsuits)
IMPORTANT - Each delegate needs to bring her state or country flag. Please get the lightweight style that can be purchased on Amazon for under 10 dollars. 3x5 size. Do not get heavy material flags, they will not flow in the wind like the lightweight style. All USA delegates representing a US State MUST use their state flag and NOT the American Flag. Only delegates representing the USA as a winner of the 2024 Nationals can use the American Flag for the Parade of Nations runway shoot.
Additional Activities Wardrobe Requirements - Below is the list of wardrobe requirements for all additional activities and optional events- These are fun filming events & and activities that are completely optional and have ZERO bearing on your base pageant scores.
If a delegate arrives without the proper attire she will NOT be filmed or permitted to participate in the activity while the camera crews are filming.
NO VISIBLE LOGOS larger than one inch on any PIECE OF clothing.
OPTIONAL - STATE/NATIONAL COSTUME COMPETITION- Country/state costume is a completely optional competition for those delegates who would like the opportunity to be featured in an additional filming segment. Delegates who choose to enter this optional event need to bring a costume that represents in some way the country or state of their title. Girls representing a state must wear a STATE costume. Delegates representing a country must wear a COUNTRY costume. This event is NOT scored by the official pageant judges. The delegates wearing the most impressive costumes will have the opportunity to be crowned Ms Universe Global & Ms USA Universe Global. Base pageant score + costume score/impression = Global Winner. Winning this title will NOT prevent a delegate from receiving ANY higher ranking titles.
OPTIONAL AMBASSADOR COMPETITION- VIDEOS DUE MARCH 15th - Video Submission (all videos should be less than 2 minutes) - video should include footage of the delegate and something related to her personal or professional life and the title she is representing. This is every delegate's chance to get creative and have fun. These videos will NOT be seen by the official pageant judges and will NOT be part of the base pageant scores. The most impressive video submission will be awarded the Ms Universe & Ms USA Universe Ambassador Crown and Title. Base pageant scores + Ambassador video scores/impression = Ambassador Winner. The wardrobe for the video is the delegate's choice. Winning this title will NOT prevent a delegate from receiving ANY higher ranking title.
OPTIONAL ACTIVITIES FILMING - Any SOLID BLACK bottoms (shorts, slacks, capri pants, skirt) with a SOLID WHITE shirt ANY style. Remember delegates are NOT judged during group this activity. Delegates who are not wearing solid white top and solid black bottoms will not be permitted in the filming groups.
POSSIBLE OPTIONAL ANGEL WINGS PHOTO SHOOT - any style SOLID BLACK outfit to be worn for special effects filming "Dark Angel" Each delegate will wear oversized Victoria's Secret style Black Angel Wings. Delegates with the most elaborate and impressive attire will be featured MORE in the final segment. Think outside the box for this. Lots of dangling extras and dramatic shoes. We will provide the Angel Wings for each delegate to wear. You provide the WOW factor!
OPTIONAL CLUB NIGHT/ PARTY- Any SOLID WHITE cocktail dress for the white night club event. (sparkles, rhinestones and mirrored material is allowed but the base color must be WHITE. This is a group bonding event for delegates and directors only.
OPTIONAL CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT FILMING- CD filming is where delegates sit and tell the cameras about their day. This is optional and NOT part of your pageant scores. This will take place at the competition filming location and delegates will wear the same black bottoms and white tops that were wore for the group outing. Delegates can bring an additional black and white outfit if they choose not to wear the same outfit.
IMPORTANT - Each delegate needs to bring her state or country flag. Please get the lightweight style that can be purchased on Amazon for under 10 dollars. 3x5 size. Do not get heavy material flags, they will not flow in the wind like the lightweight style. All USA delegates representing a US State MUST use their STATE FLAG and NOT the American Flag. Only delegates representing the USA as a winner of the 2024 Nationals can use the American Flag for the Parade of Nations runway shoot.