All of the information is the same for both the International contestants and the contestants competing for the USA titles. These are the 4 phases of competition that make up each delegate's base pageant score. These are the ONLY scores that determine the OVERALL GRAND, GRAND, & SPECIALTY GRAND titles (Ms / Mrs / Miss / Petite / Model).
After the Grand Winners are pulled, this base score is then added to each of the delegate's optional events scores/impressions to determine the winners of any additional titles (Global/Fitness/Ambassador/Celebrity/Premier).
4 Mandatory Phases of Competition = Base Pageant Score
Beauty – 25% - runway competition wearing a formal evening gown of contestants’ choice
Fitness - 25% - on-location runway competition wearing swimsuit of contestants’ choice (any style/no thongs) This is filmed on location either beach, poolside or in the filming studio.
Interview - 25% - VIDEO SUBMISSION -All videos must have NO EDITS and be under 1 min in length. Every delegate will answer the same question… “Tell us a little bit about yourself”. Video Submission Due Date - August 15th. This is the only question contestants should focus on. Delegates should try to prepare an answer that includes some unique qualities, interesting facts and funny stories about themselves. You can mention anything and everything related to YOU! Your passion, your platform, your career, your family ..... all things YOU!
Photogenic - 25% - contestants are filmed individually during an active photo shoot on their posing ability/camera appeal.
Country / State Costume - This is an optional competition and NOT part of your base pageant scores. Every delegate who participates will be eligible to win the Universe Global / USA Universe Global title. This is the highest ranking title AFTER the GRAND QUEEN titles. Each delegate's base pageant score is added to their costume score/impression to determine their Global title score. After all the GRAND title winners are determined, of the remaining delegates, the delegate with the highest Global score will be crowned Ms Universe Global & Ms USA Universe Global.
Ambassador Video Submission - This is a one minute video about anything related to you, your title or your passion. ANYTHING GOES… BE CREATIVE! Judges scores are based on Compelling Content, Creativity of Presentation, Delivery, Professionalism, Production Level and Overall Entertainment Value. Have a centralized theme, capture some creative footage, tell a story… make the judges FEEL something. Each delegate that submits a video will have her Ambassador Video score/impression added to her base pageant score to determine her official Ambassador title score. The highest scoring delegate will be crowned Ms Universe Ambassador & USA Universe Ambassador. Winners of the MS, MRS, PETITE, MODEL GRAND QUEENS are NOT eligible to win this title.
Correspondent Clips - This is a 30 second clip where each delegate will be filmed just before the Photo Shoot competition. This is where each delegate will be given a handheld news correspondent mic and asked to introduce herself, including her location and something about the competition. EXAMPLE- This is Jane Smith, the reigning Ms Brasil reporting live from the Ms Universe Pageant in Las Vegas. It’s been an action packed few days and ….. blah blah …anything else you want to say (keep it short) and practice this in advance. This is an optional station in the photo shoot circuit that can be skipped for those who do not wish to participate. Every delegate who participates will have her base pageant score added to her correspondent clip score / impression to determine her Correspondent Clips score. After the Grand Queens and Specialty Queens are pulled… of the remaining delegates, the delegate with the highest combined score will be awarded the Ms Celebrity Universe and Ms Celebrity USA Universe title.
The Ms Universe International Pageant & Filming event has implemented a cutting-edge scoring platform that has revolutionized the way pageant scoring is done. We have developed a system that allows every contestant the opportunity to be scored on a global level. We are currently deterring which phases of competition will be virtual judging and which will use standard live judges. More details to come!!
Through live streaming, video conferencing and web sharing the Universe International pageant utilizes a virtual judging platform. Each phase of the competition will consist of up to 50 judges in multiple continents from around the world. Designated portions of the activities will be scored by an international judges panel viewing the contestants from multiple time zones. This platform has been tested and verified to encompass the highest standards of precision and accuracy.
There are 5 criteria that will be considered by each judge when scoring each phase of the competition.
Facial Expression - This score is based on the delegate's facial beauty and the use of different facial expressions in front of the camera.
Physical Fitness - This score is based on the delegate's confidence in her figure and fitness level. Size is not considered.
Presentation - This score is based on the delegate's performance, creativity, and execution in that specific phase of the competition.
Camera Appeal - This score is based on the delegate's showmanship, and ability to connect with the viewers.
Personality Projection - This score is based on the delegate's ability to entertain in the given environment using her personality.
At the Queen of the Crowned Filming Event...
Cassandra Wallace

• With a modernized scoring format, total transparency allows the contestants to feel confident that their efforts are being evaluated impartially and objectively.
• Each contestant is given access to their scores following the event so they can see exactly how they did.
• Judges are NEVER pageant insiders, pageant directors, or former titleholders. The Ms. World Corp. invites only high-profile personalities within the entertainment industry such as style editors, fashion executives, network producers, casting agents, and celebrities to be a part of the judge’s committee.
• Judges are given detailed instructions prior to each phase of competition in regards to scoring.
• Judges are informed NOT to allow geographic location or the contestant's title to influence their score in any way.